Página web restaurante

7 Tips to improve your restaurant’s website

We give you some tips to increase traffic to your website and get more reservations for your restaurant.

Diego Coquillat makes us reflect on a crucial point: “The door to your restaurant is not made of wood or glass, it is digital.”

Currently, a restaurant’s website is its virtual storefront and it is essential to pay attention to certain elements to effectively attract customers’ attention.

Below, we present some essential aspects to consider:

Table of contents

Use high-quality photographs

The gallery of images that we present on our website, and on our social media, is crucial because, in reality, we all eat with our eyes. That is why it would be ideal to have a professional photographer who captures the essence of our restaurant and our recipes.

Including experiential images is crucial to attract customers through a “digital showcase”. It is important to show people enjoying the restaurant’s spaces and tasting the food so that users can identify with the experience. Remember that this can make a big difference in attracting customers.

Blogger photographs food

A responsive website

Since most diners access our website from mobile devices, it is important that the website is “responsive“. Optimal visualization on all devices guarantees a positive experience for users.

You can verify if your website is responsive using tools like Screenfly.

Basic restaurant information

To improve the user experience, it is essential to provide them with the necessary information so that they can book at your business. At the same time, when the visitor has access to the necessary information, they stay longer on your website and Google search engines improve your positioning.

Menu directly on the website

Since most users access websites from their mobile devices, it is important to offer the option of viewing the menu directly, without the need to download PDF files. In addition to improving the user experience, this also benefits organic positioning in search engines (SEO).

Include a blog

Have you thought about adding a blog to your restaurant’s website?

Storytelling is an excellent strategy for sharing the news about your menu and the curiosities of your business. By using storytelling techniques, a deeper and more meaningful connection can be established with customers, which in turn will improve the organic positioning of your brand. With this, a significant increase in traffic to your website will be achieved.

Section for customer reviews

Dedicate a space on your website to display the reviews of your diners.

Reviews and recommendations from previous customers are extremely valuable and can have a great positive impact on website visitors.

They not only provide useful information about your restaurant, but also help establish trust and credibility in the company.

Customers often look for reviews from other customers before making a decision, and positive reviews can be the difference between choosing one company over another.


Online reservations

Make it easy for customers to reserve directly from the website by incorporating a reservations button.


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