Generación Z restaurantes

How to get Generation Z to your restaurant

Discover how Generation Z is transforming the restaurant industry, learn about their preferences, and how your restaurant can adapt.

Generation Z, also known as centennials, has proven to be a generation with unique tastes and preferences. And that’s why restaurants see the need to adjust their communication to meet the needs of these new diners.

We are talking about a generation of true digital natives who, from a very young age, have had access to large amounts of information with just one click, mainly through their mobile devices. Although there is no unified criteria, it is considered that the generation includes young people born between 1995 and the early 2000s.

Let’s explore the main characteristics of Generation Z diners and how restaurants can take advantage of these consumption trends.

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Analyzing Generation Z

If we consider that the so-called Generation Z is about to represent one-third of the world’s population, it is essential to value the exceptional opportunity it represents for our business. Based on research compiled by restaurant consultants Aaron Allen & Associates, we will explore the main characteristics of Generation Z diners:

A digitally connected generation

Generation Z has grown up in a world driven by technology and immediacy. These young people are used to services that are provided quickly and have instant access to information before making purchasing decisions.

As a result, the digital transformation of restaurants becomes even more relevant to meet their needs.

Generación z - digitalización

Search for offers and discounts

Generation Z appreciates discounts a lot. In fact, 93% choose a restaurant based on promotions.


They tend to make decisions spontaneously, meaning that only 5% of centennials plan their meals out in advance.

However, restaurants can capture these diners by being smart with technology. For example, by sending push notifications announcing offers and news.

Authentic and natural companies

Transparency and rigorous information are key to gaining the trust of Generation Z. Promote your products as they are, natural and without staging.

Although they are digital natives, they are not solitary people who only look at their phones. They like to eat in groups and enjoy new experiences, such as trying different foods or watching live shows.

How can we take advantage of it?


Implement technology to improve efficiency and the customer experience such as online reservations (from the restaurant's website or social media) or paying the amount of their reservations through a payment gateway.


Use specific marketing strategies for these spontaneous consumers, such as promotions with short expiration dates through social media and mobile applications.

Unique experiences:

Create an environment that encourages conversation and interaction between diners.

Restaurants that can adapt to these consumption trends will be better prepared to welcome this new generation of diners. 

Is your restaurant ready to satisfy Generation Z? Let us help you!


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