Riesgos Laborales Zeus Laboral

Tips to preventing workplace accidents in your restaurant

Workplace accidents can have serious consequences for a restaurant's productivity. Here are the keys to preventing them.

Working in the restaurant industry can be challenging. Employees often work long hours with overtime and rotating shifts, while dealing with demanding customers and high-pressure situations. Working on weekends and holidays can also have a negative impact on the mental and emotional well-being of workers.

Workplace accidents can have serious consequences for a company’s overall productivity. It is important to take measures to care for the physical and mental health of your employees to improve productivity and reduce absences.

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How can we prevent workplace accidents?

It is essential to take measures to prevent these workplace risks. An adequate management of human resources can be of great help. Here are some ideas:

Shift Planning

It is important to plan shifts fairly and consider the specific needs of each employee. This will allow them to feel more comfortable and reduce their stress.

Planificación turnos - Horarios - Laboral
Tareas - Laboral

Identifying high-risk tasks

Identify high-risk tasks for accidents and schedule them when there are fewer distractions or when employees are more alert.

Identifying high-risk tasks

Identify high-risk tasks for accidents and schedule them when there are fewer distractions or when employees are more alert.

Tareas - Laboral


To ensure proper shift management, it is essential to have all the necessary information in a single platform. It is crucial to synchronize work schedules with the company’s absence, sick leave and vacation calendar. This way, surprises or errors in the distribution of workdays are avoided.

Plataforma de gestión integral

How can Zeus Manager help you?

Caring for the well-being of employees is vital to the success of a restaurant. Zeus Manager, our labor and reservation management software, can help you keep track of:

Employee's schedules

Efficiently and agilely manage your team's schedules, overtime and/or hour bank.

Assigned tasks

Create and assign tasks to your employees based on their categories. Set the dates, frequency and time when they should be performed.

Planned absences and vacations

Plan schedules taking into account the absence, sick leave and vacation calendar.

Reservation control

Analyze your restaurant's occupancy in advance to avoid overloading and better monetize your business.

When you give your employees the tools and support they need, they can work better and faster. But better yet, you will reduce the time you spend on human resources management.

In short, implementing these practices is not only good for your team, but also for the management and profitability of the restaurant.


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