Rendimiento Personal Restaurante

4 strategies to improve your team’s performance

Improve your team's performance with Zeus Manager's Labor Module.

Having a team that is committed to your restaurant is like having a secret weapon that can boost your business development. It’s like a well-oiled machine where every piece fits perfectly and works in harmony. Proper team management results in a symbiotic relationship where the performance of your restaurant and the well-being of your team are intertwined in an amazing way.

Productivity is a key factor in any successful business. Zeus Manager can help your team work more efficiently. Now, how do we achieve this? We’ve got you covered with some effective strategies that can make it a reality! It will not only benefit the restaurant but also reduce the stress of your workers, allowing them to focus on doing an excellent job.

Table of contents

1. Encourage communication and avoid frustrations

Zeus Employee - Comunicación

Imagine creating such a strong bond that your employees feel they are part of a large business family. This means that everyone comes and works together, as a team, and that makes them feel even more connected to your restaurant’s achievements.

Oh, and here’s the good part! With Zeus Employee, your workers have a trick up their sleeve: they can request days off whenever they want to enjoy their vacations. Easy and fast.

With the Zeus Employee application, you will be building a family of happy workers who can request breaks and communicate absences easily.

2. Schedule tasks

Technology is a very useful tool to make companies improve. And, Zeus Manager helps you make things simpler. For example, you can organize who does what with task allocation. And best of all, this helps everyone work well, makes fewer mistakes, and achieves better results. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Tareas - Laboral

With the Zeus Employee App, your workers have everything at their fingertips. They can see what they have to do during the week and, if there are any changes, they can update it at any time.

And you know what else you can do? You can create tasks and easily share them with the Zeus Employee App. By keeping track of both completed and pending tasks, you can ensure that all your work is saved. Everything under control!

3. Evaluate your team

Imagine that the growth of your workers and the success of your restaurant are like 2 pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly. We want each of your workers to become even better at what they do.

And now comes the exciting part: with Zeus Manager, you can track each of your employees’ skills. What does that mean? That you can see how they are improving and learn what they need to become even better.

It’s akin to taking a stride towards the future of your business!

4. Shift organization

Planificación turnos laboral

In a restaurant, managing your staff is important, and having well-organized schedules is crucial. If you plan well, more work is done, and your employees feel happier.

With the Zeus Manager software, creating and controlling your employees’ schedules is easier than you think. You can do it based on reservations or time, and everything is shown instantly. Oh, and you can also see how much your planning costs to have control over how much money you should earn compared to what you spend on the team.


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