Zeus Manager - Control horario software

Everything you need to know about time tracking

Zeus Manager can help you manage your restaurant more effectively. By using our time tracking and clocking features, you can ensure that you comply with Spain's labor laws and keep your team running smoothly.

For the success of your restaurant, efficient personnel management is critical. One of the key components is managing your employees’ time effectively. This article will delve into how innovative time management can significantly impact your restaurant’s triumph.

If you’re a gastronomic entrepreneur or a professional in the field, Zeus Manager software solutions can streamline team management, giving you the freedom to focus on what’s essential: delivering an exceptional restaurant experience.

Table of contents

The requirement of recording work hours

In some countries (like Spain), all companies, including restaurants, are required to keep track of their employees’ working hours. The objective of this regulation is to ensure that worker’s rights, such as fixed working hours, breaks, and a cap on overtime hours, are respected and observed.

To ensure compliance with labor regulations, authorities conduct periodic inspections and monitor compliance with laws, including the review of employee time records and other documents.

Penalties for failing to comply with time management can be significant, with fines ranging from 626 to 6,250 euros and more severe fines that can reach up to 187,515 euros.

Ley de control horario - Fichajes

Restaurants can reap long-term benefits by investing in an accurate and complete time registration system. With a digital time management system, you will comply with legal obligations, ensuring accuracy in time records and facilitating the availability of necessary information during inspections.

In addition, an automated system will help you with time management, reducing errors and simplifying administrative tasks.

Digital time tracking

Companies are embracing technological solutions, such as digital time tracking, to comply with the requirement to record employee work hours. This innovative solution provides a secure and efficient way to automate and reliably document shifts, ensuring the records’ authenticity and integrity.

By choosing digital solutions to tackle this problem, your company and employees can reap a variety of benefits, including:

Precision and reliability

Digital solutions guarantee accuracy in the registration of working hours, minimizing errors and ensuring true records.

Regulatory compliance

Digital time management solutions can help companies adhere to labor regulations and prevent possible penalties for non-compliance.

Efficiency and productivity

The implementation of digital solutions will allow your team to focus on more productive activities, freeing up time and resources. Digital time tracking reduces the time and resources needed to carry out this administrative task, eliminating the need for manual records.

How can Zeus Manager help you?

In the legal framework that requires the registration of employees’ working hours in a restaurant and the respective control, it is crucial to have a secure and reliable platform. In this aspect, Zeus Manager stands out as an innovative and effective solution to establish control of employee hours through the implementation of a clocking system.

Zeus Employee App

The Zeus Employee application allows your employees to quickly and accurately record their clock-ins and clock-outs. The new version of this application allows geolocated or NFC clocking.

In addition, they can request vacation days, view their work schedules, and their daily tasks.

Zeus Employee - Control horario
Zeus Employee - Control horario

Zeus Employee App

Real-time registration of employee entry and exit data is securely stored on the platform, providing employers with a clear and accurate view of their employees’ time records.

In addition, they can request vacation days, view their work schedules, and their daily tasks.

Zeus Manager - Control Fichajes Laboral

Clocking control

Employee entry and exit registration data are recorded in real-time and stored securely on the platform. This functionality allows employers to have a clear and accurate view of their employees’ time records. In addition, this registration contributes to schedule planning, attendance tracking, and compliance with legal obligations regarding the registration of working hours.

With Zeus Manager, restaurants can fulfill their legal obligations and effectively optimize their personnel management. Nowadays, innovation is key to success in the hospitality sector, and with Zeus Manager, you will have the ideal partner to achieve it.


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